Sunday, July 20, 2008

Have you ever dropped your curling iron on your face!

I cant say the picture did the actual burn justice. It happened sunday right before church. I was curling my bangs and the thing slipped out of my hand and rolled down my eye. I was suprised how bad it hurt. I pointed the fan in our room towards my eyeball and had myselp a pity party while nate rubbed my back. IT REALLY HURT! Kind of looks like a nice shade of eyeshadow, though!


Anonymous said...

The lengths you go to for beauty...

Mical said...

If you wouldn't have said burn, I would have guessed it was a black eye. That sucks! I hope its feeling better. :)

Lacy said...

OUCH! Burns are the worst!!!

the sheldons said...

Make sure to load that sucker with Neosporin. I burned myself on the cheek with a curling iron a couple of months ago and I didn't put Neosporin on it religiously like I was told to and now I have myself a lovely faded scar. Just call me Scar Face.

Lindsay Heitz said...

Hi Natalie! I just saw your blog on Matt and Jodi's. You two are such travelers! I love it. I was excited to see the pic of Kelly asleep on that ladies shoulder. I've often heard about it, but never seen any proof that he really did cheat on me. :)
Kelly says we had an invite to Hawaii. Sounded like so much fun, too bad the timing wasn't right. We need to plan a fun trip together. I need to get to know you better. My hair dresser, Bri, always talks about your family and how fun you guys are. Send my your email and I'll give you an invite to our blog.

Maury said...

Ouch! I've burned myself many places, but never the eye!